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Get your .site domain name with GoDaddy! It is easy to register a .site domain with the largest domain registrar.
People also ask
What is TLD domain GoDaddy?
TLD. A top-level domain name (TLD) is the last part of a domain name. For example, in coolexample.com, the TLD is the .com. A gTLD is a generic top-level domain name. These are not linked to geographical regions or special authorities.
What are TLDs domains?
In the DNS hierarchy, a top-level domain (TLD) represents the first stop after the root zone. In simpler terms, a TLD is everything that follows the final dot of a domain name. For example, in the domain name 'google.com', '.com' is the TLD. Some other popular TLDs include '. org', '.
What is the domain name of GoDaddy?
A domain name is the unique name and address that each website has. For example, if you wanted to visit GoDaddy's website, you need to type the domain name “godaddy.com” in the browser. If you think of your website as a building, then the domain name is its street address.
What is your domain name TLD?
A top-level domain (TLD) or a domain extension is the end part of a domain name. In hostinger.com, hostinger is the domain name, and .com is the TLD. While domain extensions come in various types, only three are available for public use ‒ generic, sponsored, and country code TLDs.
Search new gTLD domain extensions and find the right top-level domain to make your website memorable! gTLDs - where options are unlimited.
A gTLD is a generic top-level domain name. These are not linked to geographical regions or special authorities. gTLDs are typically used to describe ...
Get your .com Web address today! Register your .com domain and create a unique identity on the Internet for your website.
Get your .domains domain name with GoDaddy! It is easy to register a .domains domain with the largest domain registrar.
Use GoDaddy's Domain Name Search tool and register the domain you've been looking for. Buy your domain from the world's largest domain registrar.
$1.99 to $39.99
Get your .website domain name with GoDaddy! It is easy to register a .website domain with the largest domain registrar.
What are top-level domains (TLD) and country code top-level domains (ccTLD)?. Every domain name has different pieces that are part of the domain name system ...
Starting from $1.99
Get your .live domain today, from GoDaddy. Stand out from the pack with a .live domain, get noticed instantly. Have a look at the available domains!
$39.99 to $115.99
Get your .global domain name with GoDaddy! It is easy to register a .global domain with the largest domain registrar.